Committees and Task Forces

Committee Chairs. Chairs of all committees are appointed by the President-Elect and serve at the pleasure of the Board.


Committee and Task Force Responsibilities

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee advises the AGPJ President and take actions as appropriate between meetings of the Board of Directors.

The Executive Committee shall consist of six (6) members: the President, who shall act as Committee Chairman; the Vice President; the President-Elect; the Immediate Past President; the Secretary and the Treasurer. The Executive Committee shall have and exercise the authority of the Board of Directors.


The Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall consist of five (5) members: The Treasurer, who shall act as Committee Chairman; the President and three (3) members appointed by the President. The Finance Committee shall assist the Board of Directors in discharging its oversight responsibilities relating to accounting; financial reporting; financial practices of AGPJ; annual budget and outside auditor qualifications, independence and ongoing performance. The Finance Committee regularly reviews the financial affairs of AGPJ and makes recommendations to the AGPJ Treasurer and Board of Directors. In concert with AGPJ Secretariat, considers proposed items of expenditures and prepares and submits a budget for the ensuing year to the Board of Directors at the interim meeting. Reviews the results of the audit; assures that the audit recommendations are appropriately addressed; assures auditors independence from management; serve as liaison between management and independent auditors.


The Legislation, Constitution and Bylaws  Committee

This Committee consists of six (6) members. The Board of Directors shall appoint the Chair and the members of this Committee, having determined their qualifications. Members of the Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Board and for such term or terms as the Board may determine. This Committee shall assist the Board of Directors in planning; annual review of committee and task group needs; Board orientation and education; composition of the Board including recruitment and nomination of candidates for elected office; leadership succession, Board evaluation; and policies and bylaws.


 Membership Committee

The Committee on Membership reviews member benefits, analyzes existing data on member segments and assesses growth potential, provides input in the design and conduct of member surveys and assessment tools, brings forth suggestions on new services, products and membership recruitment campaigns, and makes recommendations for omissions, reduction and life member requests.

The Membership Committee is responsible for recruitment and retention programs, recommendations to the Board on membership types and criteria as well as monitoring the membership process with Headquarters.  The Membership Committee will determine, monitor, and strengthen AGPJ’s initiatives and services with member input. Member Benefits Include:  Advocacy, Mentoring, Networking, Career Development, Leadership Opportunities, Committees and Working Groups, Global and International Opportunities, Fellowships, Grants, Scholarships, Public Health Initiatives, Education & Expertise, Speakers Bureau, Community, Resources, and Awards.  Additional duties include reviewing and approving meeting minutes, reviewing expired memberships, exit survey results, new members, and member benefits.


Public Relations/Communications Committee

The public relations/communications committee (PRCC) will support the AGPJ Board in its responsibility to enhance AGPJ’s public standing.  This will include the creation, maintenance and distribution of a content and communications strategy for relaying information to AGPJ members and the public throughout the calendar year.  The duties of this committee/working group will include, but are not limited to website, email communications including Newsletters, Newsflash, and Connections, and online communities including the AGPJ blog, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Linked In,  Videos, Marketing, and Corporate Sponsors.  The PRCC will form a Social Media Subcommittee to address the needs of AGPJ’s growing online communities.


Social Media Committee

The goal of the social media committee is to develop AGPJ’s online communities in a way that facilitates the sharing of ideas amongst practicing GP’s and Medical Students in training. This includes the creation of discussion topics that will encourage two-way dialogue and interesting discourse for GPs and Medical Students. This will include the creation, maintenance and distribution of a content and communications strategy for relaying information to AGPJ members and the public throughout the calendar year. This will include the strategic development of AGPJ’s online communities including the AGPJ blog, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.,


Website Committee

The goal of the Website Committee is to develop AGPJs website into a member/donor/corporate sponsor recruitment tool. This involves creating content that highlights the work of AGPJ’s leaders and members in a way that makes GPs/Physicians want to get involved and/or donate to the organization. This also involves using web analytics to measure site metrics and adjust content accordingly, updating outdated content and contact information and finding new ways to advance AGPJ’s use of technology like mobile applications for Androids, iPhones and iPads.


Senior Physicians

Provides educational and social opportunities to senior members of the Association; provides ongoing education about medical Program facing physicians treating the elderly; utilizes the expertise of senior members in the activities of the Association; encourages networking between senior members and mentoring between senior members and medical students; and advises the Career Development Committee on issues of importance to senior members.


Mentorship Committee

The AGPJ mentoring task force aims to create cohesive and structured mentoring relationships between AGPJ physicians, residents, medical students and premedical students.  The mentoring task force coordinates mentor-mentee relationships and matches them not only based on specialty or academic interests, but also based more broadly on their personal and professional background. The mentoring task force ensures development and progression of AGPJ’s mentoring program and ensures the success of mentor-mentee relationships. Please email us if you are interested in participating in the mentoring task force.


Annual Meeting/Program

The Annual Meeting/Program Committee works with AGPJ Secretariat to plan events surrounding the Annual General Meeting. This Committee makes a recommendation to the Board on what organization to align with for the Annual General Meeting, identifiers speakers/guests to invite and plans other events as needed.


Archives Committee

Responsible for the collection and proper maintenance of essential historical documents of AGPJ, either in the Secretariat or in a safe repository designated by the Board of Directors; the collection and preservation of historical material pertaining to AGPJ’s work over the years; and the preparation of exhibits and other educational activities.


Awards Committee

Administers all awards presented by AGPJ except as otherwise provided in other committee charges. Develops procedures for the administration of all AGPJ awards and considers researches and recommends new awards; develops procedures for selecting the recipients of awards granted by AGPJ to ensure continuity, uniformity, and procedural consistency in the selection process. The committee submits its recommendations for awards to the Board of Directors for approval.


AGPJ Children’s Home Fund  and National Outreach Program Committee

Each member of AGPJ voluntarily contributes a minimum of $1,000.00 annually to the Children’s Home Funding and National Outreach Program. We also host fundraising activities in order to assist with projects for the outreach program. There are few things as powerful as the ability to find necessary funds and resources when they are needed. Why note be a part of this awesome committee. No experience needed. This committee works with AGPJ Secretariat Staff to seek new fundraising opportunities and collaborations for AGPJ Board of Directors/Finance Committee consideration. The funds are used to purchase items and then then distribute the items to a needy children’s home annually.



Informs members of public issues of interest to GP’s; informs the Board of Directors of proposed governmental or significant country  legislation related to physicians in the areas of medical care, health and welfare; and represents the AGPJ before legislative and administrative agencies.


Education, Scientific Program and Research Committee

The Education Committee ensures that the continuing education activities sponsored by AGPJ meet or exceed requirements established by the National Council on Continuing Medical Education, analyzes data and trends regarding CME programming, makes recommendations on AGPJ programming, new products and potential collaborations, and identifies information on innovations and educational techniques suited to AGPJ’s membership. The committee ensures that the meeting programs and agenda are planned and speakers identified for each workshop at least 2 months in advance before the date of the workshop. Sponsors are an important part of any symposium/workshop/seminar and this committee is also tasked with forwarding potential conference sponsors to the Secretariat for follow-up. This committee also ensures that an annual curriculum for the new year is prepared and advertised on the website from November of the current year.


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